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Simulation Solutions

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Wearable Technologies

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Engineering Services

Check out our Haptic Glove Models Now

Using groundbreaking perception-enabled sensor technology, the Haptex Gloves are fully VR engineered to the highest degree of precision and performance. VR can be feeled now.


Multi User Distributed Simulation

Discover the latest technology of VR experience with Innobo Simulator Systems. Keep your teams or customers deeply focused and completely engaged in their training. Reduce risk and cost of your most challengin training environments.

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Virtual Reality Training Any Time Anywhere

Take your Virtual Reality systems to the next level. Provide an experience that is so natural for a higher level of engagement during most challenging real-life situations. Immerse people in the most natural virtual reality simulator environments ever constructed.

New Era of Intelligent Technologies is here.

Wearable Technologies and Artificial Intelligence is changing every industry today: Defense, Aerospace, Textile, Health, Transportation, Natural Resources, Agriculture, Education and more. We can help you to understand how you can revolutionize your organization, or we can develop high-tech solutions for your organization.

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